Monday, November 26, 2012

Students need to have social skills.

It is important for our students to do well academically but it is important for them to be social as well. researchers have shown that students with disabilities tend to lack in social skills. Teachers should help with their students social skills and facilitate friendships if need be. This article give teachers some strategies on what they can do for their students.

ADHD Accommodations

This chart is a good source for teachers to use for students they may have with ADHD:

A great book for teachers to use!

Tough Kid ToolBox is a great book for all teachers. It provides straight forward, ready to use materials for managing and motivating "tough-to-teach students". The materials in this book enables teachers to implement positive behavior management on these students. This is a book teachers can use over and over again.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Want to decrease behavior?

This website is a good resource for information and strategies for decreasing behavior. What I like most about this page is the information on how to data collect and a tutorial on graphing the data you have collected.


Least Restrictive Behavioral Intervention

What is the purpose of LRBI?

Schools in the United States have been struggling with meeting student’s academic and behavioral needs. Because of this, these guidelines have been created by the Utah Stare Office of Education (USOE) to “assure that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is afforded to each student with a disability in accordance with federal law, state rules and regulations, and Local Education Agency (LEA) polices governing special education.” The LRBI guidelines also help teachers, other school personnel, LEAs and the USOE practice suggestions for their own protection.

Below is a link to the 2009 Edition of the LRBI Manuel

Why have this webpage?

Throughout this semester in this class we have learned a lot about behaviors that as teacher we will see in our classrooms. we have learned rules, techniques, and resources that will help us reduce students inappropriate behavior.